My favorite links!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

This site got an unusual volume of visits for the past two days. The counted site visits were around 5 for those two days. This is an unusual trend, since the usual amount of visits for this site is around one visit for every two days.

I am at 15 cents on currently. After tomorrow, I will be at Group 1 in the BAP group since I will finally have 1,600 BAP points. Once that happens, I will earn an average of 1 cent a day, which is pretty nice compared to the earnings I have now, which are around 0.002 per day, which turns into 0.001 per day because there is a daily money tax. It's pretty rare for paid to click sites to pay one cent a day nowadays.

I am almost at 24,000 satoshi on I only need 2000 more satoshi to be able to make a cashout again. That is pretty nice. I earn around 120 satoshi a day if I collect from the faucets once a day. I can usually earn 500 satoshi a day if I really work hard on collecting the satoshi by collecting multiple times a day. I just really don't find it enjoyable. I hope I find a more likable way to make money someday.

I am at around 26,000 satoshi on I will need 4,000 more satoshi there to cashout. I only earn around 120 satoshi a day there, so that will take a while. If I want to earn 400 satoshi a day there, I will have to collect from that faucet around 20 times a day, and I really don't like to do that, even if it doesn't really have popup ads that refresh the CAPTCHA input.

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