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Thursday, February 8, 2018

I was able to make banana pancakes today! They were great. There were still 6 or so bananas left so I was able to take 2 of them. I mashed them and added them to one raw scrambled egg with some cinnamon added then cooked it on low heat with a little oil for 2 minutes per side. It tasted great! I do like how the cinnamon, egg, and banana combined together as a pancake and combined their flavors.

I don't think much happened in the stock market today, so I didn't buy or sell shares, but I think the prices were a bit low today so I think it would have been great to buy a few shares.

One thing I would like to do is cook my own Big Mac burger by myself! I'm pretty sure it's not that hard, I just have to cook 2 burgers on a pan for 5 minutes per side and then add buns, lettuce, tomato, pickles, and cheese with some mustard.

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