My favorite links!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

I have actually collected 50,000 points on a video game I used to play. That was enough points, so I considered the game fully completed and then I removed it from my bookmarks. I don't think I will play video games anymore.

I bought Mcdonald's today. It was a cheeseburger meal. I also added a sundae to buy. That was what I ate for lunch. For breakfast, I fried an egg at 515am and then at around 9am, I just ate some candy.

My old plant has only 4 or so green leaves left. More and more of its leaves are turning yellow. I think I got that plant around three months ago. It was worth 150 pesos, or 3 dollars. I guess it just has a short lifespan.

I should probably do some push-ups today but I might just do them tomorrow.

I did a lot of resting today. I clicked on bitcoin faucets to increase my daily bonuses and I played some of the satoshi raffle. I also clicked on paidverts BAP ads. There are no paid ads today since it is Sunday, and paidverts removes 0.001 in cash from the account daily, so I lost money today. I also clicked on all the Neobux ads for today. I now have 13 cents there.

I tried completing a daily poll multiple times today but the website I do that poll on just would not load. I guess it is having problems right now.

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