My favorite links!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I tried a peanutlabs survey today on a site. It tried to open a popup but the popup was automatically blocked. I had to personally click the option to open the popup to open the survey. The survey then disqualified me. Anyway, siince it is a Peanutlabs survey, it paid me one cent for a disqualification. Combined with the 1 cent from the daily poll, I earned 2 cents there today so my total there now is 9.80 dollars. I can still do 20 slideshows today to make my total there 9.82 dollars.

I was able to click on all the paid to click sites I am a member of today so I won't have to do it tomorrow. The next time I will have to do this again is on March 15.

Gptplanet and Scarletclicks suddenly required a new security question and answer in addition to the login ID and password. This is an unnecessary change since my password there is pretty secure. Maybe they had a security issue, but generally, unnecessary changes in a paid to click site's functionality like this is a sign that the company is losing profits. This is the same case with paid to click sites that suddenly reduce the daily earnings by half, remove Paypal as a payment processor, increase the minimum cashout amount, and then is finally followed by requiring a membership before you can cashout, which is the biggest sign that a paid to click site is going to close.

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