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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

There was a big US stock market crash last Monday that may have had some effects on the Philippine stock market. I think I saw it happen personally when JFC shares I bought dropped from 293php per share last Friday to 283php last Monday. I still sold 10 shares of mine since I would lose only 100 pesos in the process.

It seems that after that, the Philippine stock market recovered, since my JFC shares are worth 292php per share again or something. I liked that the price increased that much so I sold ten more shares. As I said before, if the JFC shares increase in price to around 300php per share or something, I will be making my last withdrawal for a while, since I will have gotten 10,000 pesos or so saved up from selling my stocks at that point.

I hope I get to withdraw from soon. I have already reached 44 cents there. Only 6 more cents to go and I will get to cashout there again! That is great. I only need to earn 6 more cents, though I don't really feel encouraged to click on that site a lot since it is very slow right now.

I find myself less motivated to click on hitbux, refbux, ptccash, and probux ads as time goes on. I just find myself less and less willing to spend a dozen or so minutes of my time on those sites per day while earning extremely little money from each site. I end up feeling like I should find other ways to make money that would be easy while giving more money and demanding less time. I especially want to discard paid to click sites as an earning method someday especially since pretty much all of them no longer pay via Paypal and it takes so much time per day to wait for the timer to run out and end up getting paid so little money.

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