My favorite links!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I'm trying to make it a habit to withdraw around 60 times a day from Since I earn 4 satoshi there for every withdrawal, this will mean that I will earn 240 satoshi per day and 7,200 satoshi per month, which will give me an extra 70 cents to earn per month.

This is good income just for looking at ads and clicking a CAPTCHA, but the popup ads on are too many. For every time I open the site, I will have to deal with a new ad tab opening after making a click, and on top of that, a new ad window will open after that one click too. If I end up collecting from there for 60 times a day, I will have to deal with those repetitive ads for 120 times in a day. I really don't think I can put up with that.

I forgot to click on ads. I think I am going to do that now. I feel like a complete slave to paidverts at this rate. I wish they didn't require a CAPTCHA for each and every ad, and I wish all their ads lasted for 24 hours each instead of being valid for 18 hours only, which is a ridiculous rule and makes me feel like a slave forced to login to the site twice a day just to make 0.003 cents a day or something.

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