My favorite links!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I feel really forced to click on paidverts BAP ads today. I really don't want to do it. But I have no choice pretty much. I don't really get any job offers, and this is the most money I will ever make since I won't ever be getting any referrals or book sales or donations.

I also feel forced to click on bitcoin faucets to maintain daily bonuses. It's so unpleasant and isn't fun in any way whatsoever. I have to complete two CAPTCHAs to collect only once and it is really not enjoyable.

I haven't looked at my stocks yet. Maybe they've increased in price a bit.

A design change was done recently on this site so that another site became the "main site" I get to post on and I have to click on a tab to access the dashboard for this site. I really don't like that. I get more hits by posting here, and I consider this my main site especially since it has been around longer, while the other site I post on with this account was only started on December of 2017.

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