My favorite links!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The get paid to site I use has changed its maximum earnings per day from 8 cents a day to 4 cents a day. I guess they can't afford to pay 8 cents a day per user anymore. It was probably way too much to pay 8 cents a day for tens of thousands of users. Plus, almost no one is buying advertising there so I guess they had problems with funding.

They also had an earnings correction issue lately. Basically they made a mistake and overpaid their users, so they cut my earnings in half. I can understand, I guess, since I seemed to be earning too much from mining overnight. I seemed to be earning 2.5 cents a night from their mining tab when the projected earnings was only 0.5 cents - 1 cent every 24 hours.

I am glad that I found more and more sites with a mining option. This is so I can still make money with mining even if the get paid to site I use closes and even when closes. Apart from the get paid to site I use though, all of them seem to pay in bitcoin and won't pay in dollars. I guess it is just impossible for them.

As I said before, I am planning to buy Scrypt mining on hashflare worth around nine dollars. I am going to do this once coinspace fixes its account balance tab so I can properly see how much satoshi I have left. It currently just shows "..." so it feels like my satoshi was stolen or something.

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