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Sunday, April 1, 2018

My payment for my hashflare hash rate has been processed but the miner is not starting yet. Given what is normal for online job sites, it will probably take something like a week for them to confirm the payment and start the miner.

The stock market is opening again tomorrow and I hope my stocks rebound. I hope that I can make good money in my stocks account again so I can hopefully make another withdrawal soon. I do wish I made some investments while the stock market was having a major crash. It was a time when blue chip stocks were available at bargain prices.

Personally, I would not recommend buying stocks in the stock market that are not blue chip stocks. Usually, people that are buying stocks that are not blue chip are just speculators that lose money in the long haul. The people making big money with non-blue chip stocks usually have some unfair insider information they are not supposed to have access to which makes it possible for them to get massive gains. Unless you know such insider info yourself, I would recommend sticking to the top performing stocks since these usually continue their upward trend, usually gaining their value back and then some, with a 30 or 40 percent gain, after big stock market crashes happen.

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