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Sunday, April 1, 2018

The CAPTCHA is still not working. I already removed it from my main bookmarks. It will probably never fix its CAPTCHA issue. Either that or it will take months before anything is done.

The hashflare hash I bought is still not activated. It will probably take a week or so for it to work. I am not sure what it looks like or what will happen exactly when it starts working. I guess I will have to wait and see. I just wonder, if the contract has a minimum of 1 year to work, why was I required to pay only 1.20 dollars worth of bitcoin? Shouldn't I be paying 14.4 dollars in bitcoins instead of paying for only one month of hash? It's very confusing to me. Maybe the account will charge me more later. Or maybe the profits from the cloud mining will pay for the year's worth of costs first before it pays me anything. I don't really know how this works.

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