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Thursday, April 12, 2018

I was able to ask for another 100,000 satoshi cashout on a free bitcoin miner. It only took three days, so it's likely a scam. I am supposed to get my first BTC withdrawal there on April 17 (it takes 5 days to confirm the transaction for free accounts) while my 0.01 LTC withdrawal is supposed to arrive on April 22 (it takes ten days for that one).

I don't think either money will ever arrive. That's the equivalent of 7 dollars in three days and that's simply too much to earn for a Philippine account in three days. That means a Filipino can end up with 3,500 pesos a month by doing nothing. That's too good to be true seeing as people in the Philippines typically need to have a 9-5 Monday-Friday job to earn 12,000 pesos a month.

For bitcoin faucets, they significantly decrease the satoshi that third world countries get compared to the satoshi received by first world countries, probably so there won't be an imbalance in the world economy. I think these free mining sites still haven't noticed to make that change.

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