My favorite links!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

I need to click on all the paid to click sites I own at least once today, so the accounts don't get terminated. I need my other accounts apart from my most active ones because I need backup accounts in case many of these sites close.
Although frankly speaking, around 90 percent of all paid to click sites that have ever been made are already closed, so I guess eventually I will have no more business in paid to click and will have to move to another industry.

I am thinking of being active on again. If I really work at it, I can earn an extra 3 dollars a month there even without active referrals! And they allow bitcoin deposits so there's nothing to worry about. I have 3 referrals there that never did anything.

I received 4 pesos from my bank last week. It is the monthly interest that comes with having some money in the bank account that is significantly larger than the minimum maintaining balance. I am thinking of putting even more money there so I will earn around 25 pesos a month there by doing nothing and just letting the money sit there.

I am actually thinking of putting 360 dollars worth of bitcoin into Then I will just withdraw the interest monthly. Only 30k satoshi is needed there to be able to earn 4 percent interest yearly. 30k satoshi is worth around 2.4 dollars, and I am thinking of putting 0.045 BTC there. That will earn around 180,000 satoshi a year. Only 30k satoshi is needed to withdraw there, so if I invest 0.045 BTC there, I will be able to withdraw around every two months.

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