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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

There were still no paid ads for paidverts today. I ended up clicking 8 BAP ads for free just to keep up with the daily BAP tax. I am already at group 1 with 1,800 points and reaching group 2 is basically, impossible, so essentially, I ended up clicking for free and wasting my time.I also ended up 0.001 in the negative since paidverts removes 0.001 dollars from the account daily and I earned nothing.

Globaltestmarket now only makes it possible to earn lifepoints instead of marketpoints. Apparently my points there are all called lifepoints now, but they werent converted from 1 marketpoint to 2 lifepoints like they promised. My 1,117 marketpoints were just converted to 1,117 lifepoints, so the amount wasn't doubled. They lied basically. Anyway, I am going to try to wait until March 12 since all my points are already lifepoints anyway. Maybe they will double my points on that date and they are just not yet done with the calculations.

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