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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

There was also a massive flow of views from vietnam yesterday, apart from the views from russia that also came yesterday. I have no idea why I received all that traffic. It was a total of around 44 views in one day. My usual traffic here is one view every 72 hours. As I said before, I wasn't able to get any profit from all those views.

I have been unlucky with the raffle on a get paid to site for a month now. For 30 or so days all I have gotten from the daily raffle was 0.002 dollars, which is the lowest prize possible. I am at 84 cents on that site now, which is great. Only 9.2 dollars more and I will be able to withdraw 10 dollars from them again. Too bad they don't have a membership option to earn more money since I will be interested.

I am at 1,100 satoshi on again already. Only 28,100 more satoshi there and I will be able to withdraw again. I seem to be gaining satoshi there more quickly than I used to. I guess this is because I am gathering satoshi there more often than I used to.

I think I am finally through looking at the pollfish tab on a get paid to site. For six months or so now, when I look at that tab everyday, there is always no surveys available.

I think only the get paid to site I go to offers a 1 cent disqualification prize for peanutlabs surveys. I tried a peanutlabs survey on donkeymails and I did not get 1 cent from being disqualified.

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