My favorite links!

Monday, March 12, 2018

I did not get any emails or texts offering me a job in the past 24 hours. I also have no new comments on any of my sites nor new referrals.

I am supposed to click on paidverts BAP ads in the morning for free but the site is not loading.

I think I am supposed to get 10 dollars from a get paid to site this thursday. Due to time differences, it will probably arrive on friday.

Globaltestmarket still has not fixed its rewards system. I will probably have to wait for a few moths before it gets fixed.

I tried the a while ago and I was unlucky and only got 20 satoshi. I already have 29,000 satoshi there now! That is great. I only need one thousand more satoshi there and I will be able to get my very first withdrawal from that site.

I am thinking of asking for money so I can maintain my Sunlife balance. I was told that the suggested deposit to make in the Sunlife account is 500 pesos a month. If I keep putting 500 pesos a month there, it will probably grow a lot after a few years.

The stock market was pretty low yesterday and my portfolio went down  by a few thousand. I am going to wait until JFC is at around 250php per share before I start selling shares again.

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