My favorite links!

Monday, March 26, 2018

It seems there was a big influx of views on this site today coming from Russia. I have no idea why. I didn't gain any referrals or book sales or bitcoin donations or anything from all those views, so I didn't profit. It was a total of 21 additional view counts today.

I have lowered the price of my lulu ebooks from 8.99 dollars to 2 dollars. From what I remember, their original price was 7.99 dollars but I think Lulu was sneaky and added 1 more dollar to the price so they could profit more. I hope I will get book sales with this new 2 dollars price, but I am not betting on it.

My new money total on paidverts is 55 cents today, since there were 1.4 cents or so worth of ads given today. I will probably withdraw my money there once I reach 2 dollars and then deposit it to my litecoin wallet. I think the minimum amount to deposit for a litecoin wallet is around 15,000 satoshi worth of litecoin (its litecoin equivalent) so that is around 2 dollars. I would prefer a litecoin payment instead of a bitcoin payment because withdrawing to a bitcoin wallet removes 1 whole dollar from the transaction as well as a 7 percent additional fee while a litecoin withdrawal will only remove 25 cents from the withdrawal along with a 3 percent transaction fee.

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