My favorite links!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

I have tried collecting satoshi from a few minutes ago. I tried for seven times. Each time, the google CAPTCHA window says that I did the CAPTCHA right, then the site says that I did the CAPTCHA wrong, so I had to do it again. A paid ad appeared on Neobux, so after the seventh try on with CAPTCHAs that loaded slowly for each image, I gave up on the CAPTCHA and clicked on the Neobux ad instead. After my Neobux account was credited, I went back to again and tried seven times again to enter the CAPTCHA and the google CAPTCHA tab says I did it right each time, but the website says I did it wrong, so I gave up after the seventh time.

I don't feel like clicking on a lot of paid to click sites today. Maybe I will just do it later or tomorrow.

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