My favorite links!

Sunday, March 4, 2018

I didn't receive any text messages today, I didn't receive any emails today, I didn't get any comments on all of my sites today. I didn't gain any referrals today.

I still have sold zero ebooks and those ebooks have probably been online for three months. I don'r see myself ever selling even one ebook.

The only emails I got were the bot emails from paid to click sites that send emails everyday forever, like those pesky greenpanthera nad inbox2cash emails.

I am pretty sure I am not going to make it in time to cashout before globaltestmarket turns their marketpoints into lifepoints. They said they will make this change on 12/03/18, but I am not sure if that means december 3 2018 or march 12 2018. Anyway, if my points get converted to lifepoints, they will be stuck on the website for a while since they have not finalized the rewards points for lifepoints yet.

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