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Saturday, March 10, 2018

I read online that you can earn 9 dollars a month if you buy an 80 dollars yearly membership from With this membership, you will earn 28 dollars a year while a free account will only earn 3.6 dollars a year.

It seems like a good investment and I would really like to try it, though I don't have 80 dollars in my Paypal account. That's almost ten times as many earnings as a free member! Plus the membership is yearly so I don't have to worry about paying it until January. I think this would be a good investment to try. I just need to find a way to get 80 dollars into my Paypal account. I was just skeptical about buying memberships from paid to click sites before since I haven't read much about people who have tried buying them, plus for upgrades, you usuallu lose money without referrals, like in the case of Neobux upgrades, where you will not be able to earn your investment back with ads without at least 100 referrals.

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