My favorite links!

Monday, June 4, 2018

There have been no views on this site for the past 24 hours.

I tried the lotteries I use a few hours ago and I got the lowest possible prizes as usual.

I am 50 percent of the way to a cashout on one site. That is the closest I am to a cashout on any site right now. On other sites, I am around 10 to 40 percent of the way to a cashout.

I was offered a survey a few hours ago, but it was only for tablets and smartphones so it disqualified me and didn't give any disqualification points.

I made around 15 clicks on one site and earned around 1.5 cents. I am going to try to make 30 clicks on a different site to earn 1 cent there. I made around 15 clicks on a different site and I earned 1 cent there. There is one other site on which I earned 1.5 cents by making 15 clicks.

I don't feel like clicking on a lot of sites. I might still click on some sites anyway since I don't have anything else to do.

I lost even more money in the stock market today. I'm pretty sure I have around a 3.5 percent loss of my portfolio right now compared to the 3 percent loss I had a week ago.

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