My favorite links!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

I didn't get any bitcoin donations or ebook sales or ad clicks or job offers or anything when I woke up.

I did 15 clicks on one site and I earned 1 cent. I will need to click 30 times on another site to earn 1 cent. I might make 10 clicks on another site to earn 2/10 of a cent.

This site seems to have gained 1 view in the past 24 hours.

One of my other sites gained 5 views overnight. Another site I have gained 5 views in one week.

I used the lotteries I usually use and I gained the lowest possible prizes on all of them. With the other sites I use at the same time as those lotteries, my average random bonus was 10 percent.

There were 3 surveys offered to me when I woke up. 2 of them were only possible to complete on mobile devices so they disqualified me and didn't give any disqualification points, even when one of those surveys promised giving disqualification points after a disqualification. The third survey paid me 5 cents after completing it.

I am still at a 3.5 percent loss of my portfolio on my stocks account. I am still holding the shares since I have not gotten a 25 percent or higher loss of my portfolio yet.

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