My favorite links!

Monday, June 11, 2018

I didn't get any ebook sales, ad clicks, new referrals, bitcoin donations, job offers, or anything when I woke up.

I tried the lotteries I use a few hours ago and I got the lowest possible prizes as usual. The random bonus I got was 20 percent.

There were no surveys offered at all when I woke up.

I am 80 percent of the way to a cashout on one site. If I get to cashout there, I will be able to receive another 40 cents. I will probably need a month more of clicking to get to cashout there.

This site received 50 views in the past 24 hours. Some of the newest posts got one page view each in the past 24 hours.

I didn't get any new followers on any of my sites when I woke up.

I mostly got bot emails when I woke up which pay a fraction of a cent if you click them all. I will click most of them if not all of them later.

There was also some junk mail from Devon Brown when I woke up which was telling me to buy an MLM membership, and I deleted those emails. There were also the usual emails from when I woke up, and I deleted those emails.

I seem to have regained my portfolio in the stock market. I will need to wait until I have gotten a 40 percent or so profit there before I start withdrawing some of my earnings there.

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