My favorite links!

Friday, June 15, 2018

I am almost 100 percent finished with modifying this site. I will probably be completing the modifications I want by 100 percent tomorrow, or maybe by next week when I feel like doing the modifications.

I am going to use the lotteries I use in a few hours. I am expecting the lowest prizes possible and a random bonus of 5 percent.

There was a survey that paid me a few hours ago. It paid me 11 cents after working on it for 10 minutes.

I am 60 percent of the way to a cashout on one site. I hope that I can receive the money soon. I will probably need to click on that site for around three more weeks before I can cashout there.

I am starting to get the usual junk mail, which I will delete tomorrow. I am getting the usual bot mails too, which pay a fraction of a cent if you click them all. As I said earlier, I will be clicking some of them and deleting most of them.

I am going to try to check one account of mine if I received any donations, but I really don't think so.

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