My favorite links!

Friday, June 15, 2018

I didn't get any ad clicks or new referrals or ebook sales or bitcoin donations or anything in the past few hours.

There was a survey that paid me in the past few hours. It paid me 15 cents and it took 20 minutes to complete. There was another survey offered after that and it disqualified me before I could enter any data and it didn't give any disqualification points. After that, another survey was offered and it disqualified me before I could enter any data. It then gave me disqualification points which were worth 1/2 of a cent.

I used the lotteries I use a few hours ago. I got the lowest possible prizes as usual. The random bonus I got was 5 percent.

This site has gotten 8 views total in the past 24 hours. One other site I have gained one view in the past 12 or so hours. A different I site I have didn't get any views in the past few hours.

I got some junk mail from a website a few minutes ago telling me to buy a membership, so I deleted that email. I will probably get the usual emails a few hours from now. I will also receive the usual bot mails in a few hours that will pay a fraction of a cent if you click them all. I will click some of them tomorrow and delete the rest. I might actually join more sites that send paying bot mails in the future so that I will have more bot mails to choose from to make money from whenever I wake up.

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