My favorite links!

Friday, June 1, 2018

I clicked on the lotteries I use a few hours ago and they all gave the lowest possible prizes as usual. The other sites I regularly click gave an average random bonus of 5 percent.

Apart from that, I gained around 1 cent from one site, 1 cent from another site, and 1 cent from a third site from the sites I use in one industry over the past 24 hours. Each site required around 20 clicks each. I might click on one site later which will pay also 1 cent but will require 30 or so clicks.

The site which I said didn't work last night is still not working. As a result, I am having a significant drop in earnings.

None of my current referrals are doing any clicks or doing any other work. They are all inactive accounts. They have all been that way ever since they signed up as referrals.

I recently received another email from the site that has not paid me via perfectmoney for more than a month now. I deleted that email.

I received a text message a few hours ago promoting a site and telling me to go to that site. I deleted that text. There were no job offers sent by text over the past 24 hours. In fact, there have been no job offers offered to me by text for the whole year of 2018.

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