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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Today I drank coffee and checked my online stocks, and ate meals my mother made. I did not do any cooking today.

I need to do some pushups right now and brush my teeth.

I will probably use a new bottle of cream that I use for my skin allergies. I read an article that allergies can actually get worse and that sometimes people don't notice this and that it is possible to see a doctor when these allergies get worse. i think it would be good for me to see a doctor about these worsening allergies once I have enough money to go to the doctor. More than likely the doctor will just say that I just imagined my allergies getting worse and that this is not really the case. The doctor will probably think that I developed hypochondria because of reading too much on the Internet.

I also developed the habit of checking out what people are saying on Twitter. People with a lot of followers are actually wise and know how to live life. I actually get entertained a lot by them and learn a lot from them. I never thought a few characters of words would contain so much wisdom but I was wrong.

Some fishballs were bought from the grocery. I hope I get the chance to cook them again. It feels great to eat fishballs that I cooked myself. The refrigerator is out of eggs though so I will not be able to boil any. I also learned how to make fried and scrambled eggs recently but I will not be able to cook them today.

I need to floss as soon as possible, maybe tomorrow. In the past, when I stopped flossing regularly, some dental pasta a dentist put on my tooth suddenly came loose. If I keep flossing regularly, I can save on all this dental work and also spend less time commuting to the dentist as a result.

My pet plant is still alive, though it has around 3 or so dried leaves now. I read that bamboo only lasts for a year or so when it is not put in soil. The bamboo I have only gets nutrition from water and a few stones, so I guess it will only last for a year. However, if you plant bamboo in soil, it will even outlive you. Some of the bamboo that was planted in this house's garden last year are already almost thrice as thick in growth now.

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