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Monday, May 7, 2018

I have 500 satoshi on coinpot again! This is great! And I only withdrew there two or so days ago. I am glad that I get satoshi from the moon faucets that quickly! The moon faucets pay me very well. The moon faucets and coinpot are definitely among my favorite sites.

I think I am going to withdraw from paid to click sites again on May 30. I usually plan to withdraw at the end of every month for each paid to click site.

I lost 7 percent of my portfolio in the stock market due to prices going down. It is actually a good time to buy. I am still not selling my shares at a loss because a 7 percent loss is not really a significant loss of income in the stock market. I will probably think of giving up on some shares if I lose 25 percent or so of my portfolio, but for a seven percent loss, it is likely that the stocks will regain their value and give me a significant increase too after a year or two years.

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