My favorite links!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

One site I use which used to give 1 cent every 24 hours last year has not had any available earnings for a week now. There's a good chance it is going to close soon.

None of my referrals on all the sites I use are active.

I stopped using a feature on some sites I make money from because the earnings would suddenly stop after a few hours for no reason.

One site I use now refreshes its homepage after I enter a CAPTCHA, requiring me to enter a CAPTCHA twice, and as a result I need to spend more time on that site to earn the same amount of money.

I am going to try to click on some sites to earn half a cent on each of those sites. That's the maximum earnings on those sites every 24 hours.

There was a survey offered a few minutes ago that disqualified me after I answered two questions and that survey did not give any disqualification points.

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