My favorite links!

Friday, May 18, 2018

I didn't get any job offers, active referrals, ebook sales, bitcoin donations, or ad clicks or anything in the last 24 hours.

I was offered 3 surveys. One disqualified me after 3 questions, the other 2 disqualified me before I could enter any data. None of them gave any disqualification points.

I was asked to enter a raffle on one of the sites but I would guess that that would require spending some of my points on my account, so I deleted the email.

There was also some junk mail from an MLM that was basically trying to get me to buy a membership, so I deleted it.

There was also junk mail trying to promote a site I wasn't interested in, so I had to deal with it and delete it.

I am trying to find new sites to join so I can discard some sites I use currently. Quite a few of them are reducing the possible earnings on their site so it is more negotiable to delete them and look for other sites. With a lot of these sites that are reducing the possible monthly earnings, I expect them to close right before I withdraw.

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