My favorite links!

Friday, May 18, 2018

I am quitting one site I joined. It turned my previous earnings into a purchasing balance, so I can't withdraw it, and making a purchase is now necessary on that site before you can start earning anything. I didn't invest any money into it because I didn't trust that site at all. It wasn't a proven site that has lasted for at least 4 years. I am not that surprised that that site has turned into a scam.

I am trying to find a website to replace it. It was just a satoshi site and didn't pay via Paypal, so losing that site is not a big deal. Maybe I will replace it with a paid-per-hour job and leave the industries I am currently in. The problem is I can't find any such site, either because the sites I can find are scams or I am not qualified for the requirements they have for the job.

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