My favorite links!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

I've decided to upload more consistently to Youtube and just upload it immediately whenever I make something new. I think more constant uploads is ideal for the Youtube algorithm. I hope I can make more ten minute videos too so that I will get more watch time.

I am looking for ways to make money in my spare time that would be more of freelance work that would pay per piece or per hour, but I wasn't able to find any. I can't really increase my paid to click income because sites I join just seem to close left and right except for the really established sites that are the most well-known. I can't really depend on data entry since I have to worry about verifying my Payza account and verifying my account at an online exchanger for exchanging Payza funds to Paypal.

There was a glitch on Youtube a few hours ago where I was shown to have 6000+ views but it seems to be over since the total views are back to 3000+.

I hope I get a job soon. The jobs I applied to didn't respond anymore.

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