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Friday, October 27, 2017

I've just uploaded four new videos to Youtube. I actually have seven saved, but the other three have unusually large file sizes, so I'll just upload them at around 2am.

I am going to collect from my Bitcoin faucets now. I honestly hope that someday Peso savings accounts will make it possible to have a personal Bitcoin address where you can put your Bitcoins and convert them to Peso within the program, like what Payza does now and what Paypal does when converting between currencies. I don't think it's that difficult to do. It probably just requires a lot of paperwork. I hope that all countries become more open to trading via Bitcoin in the future. I hope that it will be possible to pay utilities and taxes with Bitcoin in this country in the future. I think that all get paid to websites on the web will soon transfer to using Bitcoin for payments and I really hope that trading Bitcoin between bank accounts and online wallets will become easier as time goes on.

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