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Sunday, September 5, 2021

 I now have 9.34 dollars on Ysense because a recent survey paid me 80 or so cents.

I now have 12,270 points on toluna because a poll paid me 15 points.

I have 4.19 dollars on timebucks right now since a survey disqualified me and paid me 1 cent in disqualification points plus some paid to click ads paid me around half a cent total.

I have 70,000 BAP on paidverts already. I need 30,000 more BAP to reach the next BAP level, after which I can advertise more and more quickly. I think I have 17 cents there right now.

I still have 13 or so pesos on mobrog.

I was able to upload another video to youtube. It has been one week since I last uploaded there so I uploaded another video. I will upload there again after another week.

I still have 17,000+ coins on cointiply. I have not been active on their paid to click section recently.

I might be able to buy another silver bird on after one month.

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