My favorite links!

Monday, January 21, 2019

There was 1 Clixsense survey that paid me 1 dollar when I woke up. I am 90 percent of the way to a cashout on another site and I might get to cashout there after one month.

I won the second smallest prize in one lottery. Apart from that, I won the default prizes in all the other lotteries I play when I woke up.

I didn't get any ad clicks or new followers or ebook sales or donations or job offers when I woke up.

I think one Youtube channel I have is at 3,075 views but I am not sure. It might reach 3,100 views after one month.

I am going to try to join some new sites and just try them as free versions. They might pay me money but as usual most of them will be scams.

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