My favorite links!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

I received cashouts from two sites today. I might get to cashout from two other sites after a month.

I think the total earnings I received from Clixsense this month are 4 dollars. That is the typical earnings I get from that site.

I checked the Peanutlabs and Pollfish routers and there were no surveys available. I tried to apply for surveys and I was disqualified from all of them.

I'm 30 percent of the way to a cashout on two sites and I will probably get to cashout from both after three months.

I didn't get any ad clicks or job offers or ebook sales or donations when I woke up.

I think one Youtube channel I have has 3,075 or so views. I think this blog got 2 views last night.

I might quit a few more sites since they are scams. One site I am a member of seems to have become abandoned since there are no payments made and no updates.

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