My favorite links!

Friday, January 11, 2019

I got the usual email I keep getting every few months. It asks for a follow-up on an offer to write blog posts for me for a fee and I keep saying I am not interested. I think the people wanting me to pay them to post for me just ignore my reply and keep asking for a follow-up. I replied again that I'm not interested.

I played the lotteries I usually play and I got the default prizes as usual. The random bonus I got was 2 percent.

I earned around 8 percent total on my portfolio from the recent rise in the Philippine stock market points. It's at 7,900 points right now and it is projected to hit 8,500 points in a few months, so I will get even more profits. 8 percent is pretty significant since if you have a million pesos in stocks or something, you would have earned 100,000 pesos, or even 50,000 pesos if you only invested 500,000 pesos total, which is still a big profit for money that you just leave laying around in an account. As I recall the Philippine stock market was at 7000 points at September 2018 and at 7500 points in December 2018.

Apparently this site got 20 views in the past hour from the US. I am not sure why I received that popularity but I think a lot of the views were for posts from March 2018.

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