My favorite links!

Monday, November 13, 2017

I think I am going to stop posting for now. I am not getting any views anymore. Maybe I am just posting too often so this is happening.

I have joined so many paid to click sites that it is hard to track them all. For the most part, I just make sure that I click on, neobux, and ads. I usually end up neglecting the other sites. Of course this reduces my income per month, but it is so hard maintaining constant clicking on all of those sites. And oh yeah, I forgot, I also make sure I click on all the ads. I think I should make it a habit to click on gptplanet and ads more often. They are two sites that are among the best sites known not to scam members.

Pandaclix has made a new policy that you need to post payment proofs in their forum and on to get your next payment. That generally makes me dislike it more as a site. It's so hard to reach a cashout there and now cashing out is made even more of a hassle since I will have to make an account at I am only at 18 cents there anyway and I don't think I will ever reach the minimum payout there.

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