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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

I had an idea to start a new Youtube channel and resume my old style of video making there. I was thinking that I would make tons of five second videos so I would reach 10,000 views eventually. since I get around 1 view for every ten videos, so I would just make thousands of short videos to reach 10,000 views. After a bit, I realized that it would be too exhausting to do paid to click and then manage two Youtube channels and a blog at the same time, so I closed that new Youtube Brand Account I was planning. I guess it would be better to focus on the channel I already have now since it has 3 subscribers already. In addition, I might mess up and end up uploading the wrong content to the wrong channel. It would also be exhausting to keep charging my phone from recording all the time, and I might miss some important calls or messages offering me a job. Also, I have data entry sites that I joined, two of them, and it might be better for me to just focus on those sites in my free time instead rather than trying harder on Youtube and ending up having my channel reviewed again since I am not at 10,000 views again so my channel was demonetized as a result of the policy change.

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