My favorite links!

Sunday, October 24, 2021

 I still have 8.20 dollars on ysense. I've been checking my account frequently and there are usually no surveys available there. Either that or a rare survey is offered and it disqualifies as soon as I click it.

I still have 9,035 points on toluna. I've been checking my account there recently and there are no surveys or polls available.

I've reached 10 dollars on timebucks on the weekend. I'm going to use the money to advertise there. I think it's worth around 10,000 clicks if I spend the money there. Ideally I get some referrals in the process.

I am planning on making another investment. I have a small amount invested already but ideally I can invest a larger amount before the investment grows by a lot and it becomes too late to invest. Once it becomes too late to invest I will probably have to wait for years before the investment shows significant growth. I'm not actually sure if I can find a way to buy the investment, I might have to be content with the small amount I earned by working.

I have 19,700+ coins on cointiply right now. Ideally I reach 30,000 coins there soon so I can withdraw money there.

I have around 28 cents on paidverts right now. I might get to advertise there again after three months.

I still have 220+ pesos on mobrog.

I think I have around 8.70 dollars on honeygain right now. It looks like I will reach 9 dollars there soon, which is almost halfway to a cashout.

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