My favorite links!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

This site got a whopping 21 views today. They were mostly clicks on old posts. One channel I have got zero views today. The other channel I have got three views today.

I received an email from Devon Brown when I woke up, and I deleted it. I also received the usual emails from, which I deleted. I also received the usual bot mails that pay a fraction of a cent if you click them all, and I will click on some of them and delete the rest.

I tried the usual lotteries I play a few minutes ago, and I got the fourth lowest prize on one of them. I got the default prize on all the other lotteries. The random bonus I got was 10 percent.

I didn't get any job offers, ad clicks, new referrals, new followers, survey invitations, or ebook sales when I woke up.

I am 50 percent of the way to a cashout on one site. I might be able to cashout there after one month. On another site, I am 55 percent of the way to a cashout and I might be able to cashout there after three months.

I haven't gotten any new followers on any of my sites, as I said, so my site with the most followers is still one channel of mine with 7 followers while the other channel I own has 1 follower. All my other sites have zero followers.

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