My favorite links!

Monday, August 13, 2018

I didn't receive any survey invitations, job offers, new referrals, ad clicks, donations, or ebook sales or anything when I woke up.

This site got 1 view in the past 24 hours. The other sites I own  have similar view counts and they earned around 1-3 views each in one day. None of my sites got any new followers today.

I am 70 percent of the way to a cashout on one site. I might be able to cashout there after two months. I am 10 percent of the way to a cashout on a different site and I might be able to cashout there after three months. I am 30 percent of the way to a cashout on one site and I might get to cashout there after two months if I stay active there everyday.

I played the usual lotteries a few hours ago and I got the default prizes as usual, and the random bonus I got was 2 percent.

I am supposed to post on two sites I own tomorrow if I want to maintain my schedule. It's just that I haven't edited any posts yet to prepare for tomorrow. I'm going to try to edit some posts later so that I can upload them tomorrow to update two sites of mine.

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