My favorite links!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

I didn't get any new referrals, ad clicks, donations, survey invitations, ebook sales, job offers, or anything like that when I woke up.

I tried the lotteries I play a few minutes ago and I received the default prizes as usual. The random bonus I got was 2 percent.

I updated four channels I have over the past 2 days. One channel I have has 7 followers and it is the channel I have with the most followers. Another profile I have has 6 followers. My third most followed site has 1 follower.

I received an email yesterday from a company offering to give me free trinkets like accessories and costumes if I review their products. Those are physical items and will have to be sent to my mailbox, and I answered that I don't share my home address online. However, I tried to offer to do things online like review any websites or online games or apps they have in exchange for online perks like BTC or game credits or gift certificates or a free 1 month membership to a site or game.

Apart from that, I received the usual 5 emails from, which I deleted. I also received the usual bot mails that pay a fraction of a cent if you click them all, and I clicked on some of them and deleted the rest.

I didn't get any new followers on any of my sites when I woke up.

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