My favorite links!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

I really, really wish and hope I could consider to be a great income source. It has very high survey prices with some being half a cent and some even being worth a dollar. But I never qualify for any surveys. It's just a useless site if you live in the Philippines. Basically I have been getting ten survey invites from them and I did not qualify for all of them. And its minimum payout is just too large! It's 8 dollars and I would need to grind for a whole -year- to get that far without referrals. Even more than a year actually since I would need 400 days earning 2 cents a day. Way before the 400th day I would have lost interest. I guess that is why the site has lasted for as long as it has. It earns the money that came from people that clicked for months and lost interest and quit. If only I qualified for more of its surveys I would have had more belief in the site. But I never do.

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