My favorite links!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

It's almost 3pm and I am just waiting for clicking my ads later. I'm waiting for another 2 cents of payment from cash camel. Once that payment arrives, I will have received 5 cents total from them, for just a week or so of clicking ads. I think clicking ads is an ideal job kind for me. It doesn't have ridiculous quality standards and I don't have to spend a lot of energy to do it.

I've also tried With it, by investing more money, I can end up with more expensive ads. From what I've heard, it offers much more expensive ads than any other ptc site. So I am looking forward to increasing my ads points there and hopefully make hundreds of dollars a month.

200 dollars a month is all I really need to make money online. I don't need to make more than that. That will be more than enough for my expenses. I am still researching even better ways to make money online and have online jobs.

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