My favorite links!

Thursday, April 8, 2021

 This blog has gotten 12 views so far this month.

I still have 9.22 dollars on Ysense. This is because surveys keep disqualifying me there.

I still have 9,820 points on Toluna.

I have 4.80 dollars on Timebucks right now. That is almost 1/2 of a cashout. I can cashout there once I have 10 dollars.

I have 22 cents on paidverts right now. I earn around 3.2 cents per day there right now on BAP group 4.

I will reach 5,500 views on my main Youtube channel soon. I need only about 19 more views to get that many views there.

I have 11,700+ coins on Cointiply right  now. I can earn another 18 coins there after ten hours.

This blog will probably reach 10,000 views after nine or so months given its new normal view count. This blog used to get 100+ views per month but I guess it only gets 20 views or so per month now.

I received 650 Lifepoints on Lifepoints recently. This is because of a live survey I took part in that took 1 and a half hours to complete. Because of that I was able to withdraw 500 pesos there. I will probably receive the money after two weeks.

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