My favorite links!

Friday, July 20, 2018

I received the usual bot emails when I woke up, which pay a fraction of a cent if you click them all. I clicked on some of them and deleted the rest.

I was able to cashout from one site last night. I was able to cashout around 30 cents from that site. I will probably be able to receive that money after a week.

This site got zero views in the past 24 hours. A channel I own got 3 views overnight. The other channel I own got 3 views overnight.

I am 45 percent of the way to a cashout on one site. I might get to cashout there after two months.I am around 10-30 percent of the way to a cashout on the other sites I use. On those sites, I will probably need 4 or so more months to cashout.

I also received an email from Devon Brown when I woke up, and I received the usual emails when I woke up. I deleted all those emails.

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