My favorite links!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

People seem to be making unrealistic claims about how much you can make from online data entry jobs, especially CAPTCHA entry. They seem to making claims like being able to earn 15 dollars per hour. The real rate is around 2 cents per hour. A lot of the time is spent waiting for the loading time to load because there are no CAPTCHAs available to complete. Most of the time you are looking at a loading bar and eagerly anticipating when the next CAPTCHA will come out. This is in addition to having to type as soon as the CAPTCHA comes out because if you don't type, your account will be put in sleeping mode and you'll have to start the loading process all over again. Also, none of the CAPTCHA entry sites pay via Paypal. They all use the inferior alternatives like Payza and Bitcoin. I think this is because many CAPTCHA entry sites have been found out as scams in the past and Paypal decided to wash its hands of their industry.

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