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Saturday, July 29, 2017

I was invited to a Globaltestmarket survey today and I was disqualified. I did enter all the data that usually prevents a disqualification. I mentioned that I'm a full-time worker with a large salary (I'm not), I mentioned that I'm the main decision maker for purchases (I'm not), I clicked that I have not participated in a related survey for the past three months (I think I did), I clicked that I did not know anyone that worked in related industries to the survey (I probably do), and I was still disqualified. At least they paid 5 points for the disqualification unlike the usual thing they do now, which is to say that the survey is closed and not pay any points to anyone. Well that is just the usual for Globaltestmarket, only they've gotten slightly worse over the past few months with that "the survey is closed" new thing. I still need 81 more points to get to cashout there, which is around three surveys worth of points, and I also need to not be disqualified for it to count. That's just the usual worries I have with Globaltestmarket. They'll likely offer more surveys as soon as August 1 comes.

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