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Saturday, July 29, 2017

I was able to use my Neobux points to extend two of my referrals for 240 days. I'm just going to let the single inactive referral be autorecycled. Once it gets replaced, hopefully I end up with a referral that will have a clicking average of above 1.00 so that I will be able to extend it for 240 days too. After I get 60 more cents I will rent another three referrals. Or maybe I will just earn until I have 1.12 dollars and decide whether or not to extend my inactive referral. I'm not really sure what to do about the inactive referral. I've been googling "will extended referrals on neobux be possible to autorecycle?" but I get no relevant results so I'm not sure what to do. I think extending prevents autorecycle? I don't know, I have no idea. From what I read, extending is a risk since the referral may stop clicking within the 240 days of renting. As you can see, I'm still very confused by the process of renting and extending and autorecycling referrals on Neobux. If I make mistakes, I will lose a lot of money. I'm not really sure what to do, apart from following the advice of extending to 240 days every referral I rent, or maybe that's just for the active ones.

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