My favorite links!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

 I now have `1+ dollars on ysense. This is because 2 surveys paid me. Ideally I reach 10 dollars there again soon.

I now have 19,635 points on toluna since a survey paid me 3000 points. I need 2000 more points to cashout there, which is equal to one survey.

 I now have 1.80 dollars on timebucks mainly from clicking paid to click ads and using the search bar. I am going to advertise there again once I reach 10 dollars.

I have 47 cents on paidverts right now. Ideally I reach 1 dollar there again soon so I can advertise again and gain more BAP.

I was able to cashout on lifepoints because 2 surveys paid me. After that cashout I have 71 points there right now. I need 285 points total at least to cashout again.

Mobrog still has an error so I can't cashout my earnings. I think I have 348 pesos there or so.

I was able to buy another blue bird on recently. So far I still have no paying referrals there.

This blog got 77 views last month I think. This month it has gotten 12 views so far.

I received more emails asking me to pay them to do SEO or my sites instead of offering me a job, so I just deleted the emails. I received more just in health emails that I deleted. I also received more phone notifications from an app telling me to refer people, which I deleted.

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